Top 7 Ways To Strengthen Your Immunity This Winter
Have you ever seen how long you could get on a low tank of fuel? Seeing just how far your car can get you before you need to refill or top-up?
Imagine this is your immune system. Coming into the winter months, your immune system is working on a full pelt. The longer evenings, colder weather, stress about being Christmas ready, and of course to top it all off there is COVID-19 can all be a toll on your immunity.
Your immunity is your first line of defense, it gets called into action when a foreign substance, germ, or virus tries to break in. There is only so much your first line of defense can take before something breaks through. This is why is it so important to support your immune system and that is why we are here today.
Below you will find the top 7 ways to help you strengthen your immunity this winter;
Think About Zinc
In a nutshell, Zinc is a mineral and it can be found in every single one of your cells in your body. The great thing about Zinc is that it is not just one and done. Zinc can help in healing wounds, aid your metabolism and digestion as well as help in the development and function of your immune cells.
Zinc has also been known to regulate your immune system. This means, that it stops it from going into overdrive and trying itself out. Thus, reducing the risk of autoimmune disease.
The top food sources for Zinc:
- Red meat
- Shellfish
- Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, and beans)
- Eggs
- Nuts (pine nuts, peanuts, and cashews)
Love Your Gut
Remember the advert for Yakult? How billions of healthy bacteria help keep your gut healthy, aid in digestion, and stronger natural defenses?
Well, it is true, a well-known scientist named ‘‘Hippocrates’‘ once said that ”All disease begins in the gut”. Research has shown that if the bad bacteria in your gut outweighs the good bacteria there then your immune system is weakened.
Gut loving food sources:
- Probiotic foods such as miso, sauerkraut, or yogurt (dairy, coconut, and almond yogurt is all good)
- Almonds
- Olive oil
- Peas
- Brussel sprouts
- Bananas
- Garlic
- Cheese
Vitamins are Vital
Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients. Each one has more than one roll in our body and all of them are positive. Vitamins can help strengthen bones, heal wounds, help your immune system, and give you more energy.
Some essential vitamins:
- A – helps to regulate your immune system, protects against infection, and keeps skin healthy.
- B – The building blocks for a healthy body. Vitamin B has a direct impact on your energy level, brain function, and metabolism.
- C – Has antibodies and can help your body put up a great fight against bacteria and infections.
- D – Helps you fight off infections and maintain strong and healthy bones.
- E – An excellent antioxidant and focuses on fighting cell damage.
Garlic is Great
Your other half may not think so but your immune system will love you for it!
Aside from adding flavour and amazing breath, garlic has antibiotic actions and supports your liver to effectively carry out detoxification.
If we can get a bit more technical here; garlic is rich in a mineral called selenium. This mineral is known to help ramp up your immunity.
Interesting Points on Garlic
- Some of the health benefits of garlic are lost in the cooking. Research shows that if you crush your garlic and let it stand for 10-15 mins before cooking you can help protect the health-boosting properties.
- Eating parsley, fresh apples, spinach or even mint can help reduce the smell of garlic off your breath. Your significant other will thank you.
Cradle a Cuppa
Whether you are a lover of English breakfast, green or oolong there are a number of benefits to simply popping your Uccello Kettle on. With minutes of your first sip, you have an increase of antioxidants in your blood.
Since we are in the middle of winter and it’s so easy to lose 1 or both gloves, your hands will love to simply cradle a warm cuppa too.
Top Tips for Tea:
- Green Tea – all forms of green teas are high in antioxidants so they are known to enhance your immunity.
- Loose-leaf Tea – dependent on the size of the tea leaves its best to let them sit in the hot water for 3-5 mins
- Calming Teas – this would include the likes of chamomile tea. Calming teas help stabilise hormones by promoting a sense of calm, allowing your immune system to focus effectively on protecting you from illness.
Less Stress More Success
It is wild known that stress can have a negative effect on your immune system as well as your mental and physical health. The more stressed you are the less effective and ready your killer cells are which means your immune system is firing on empty.
It’s always easier to say ”don’t stress” and to ”calm down” but what is it that can actually help you de-stress and relax? This is something that you will need to find out for yourself but once you find it, take the time to it. It’s important for your health and well-being.
Possible stressbusters:
- Yoga
- Hugs (We’re not kidding) This can help lower blood pressure.
- Laughter
- Exercise
Those who Don’t Snooze May Lose
A good night’s sleep can help fix most things. Whether it’s a bad day at work, stress or just to relax. Sleeping helps your body repairs itself and renews calls for the next day.
Sleeping helps keep your immune system strong, ever notice that it’s always easier to catch a cold when you are constantly tired? When you are tired, so is your immunity.
Those who get their 8 hours of sleep are known to have better antibody response when exposed to a cold or virus.
Catching a few Z’s:
- Get yourself on a sleep schedule.
- Avoid caffeine close to bedtime.
- Stay away from bright lights and screens 30-40 mins before bed.
For more information on strengthening your immune system, please feel free to read more on the NHS website
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