You can purchase any of our daily living aids direct from our website by clicking here and hovering over the ”shop” button of the website menu.
All of our product pricing includes VAT and comes with free delivery. There are no further charges.
We have step-by-step guide here if you would like an easy guide through the purchasing process on our website.
Our payments process is managed by one of the world’s largest and secure payment options so you can be assured that your card details are safe and secure when making the purchase. We have made our website as simple and intuitive to use as possible, and in the unlikely event that you do make a mistake while trying to make a purchase, we will refund this money immediately.
Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us.
Remember also, we have an award-winning Customer Care Team who are available to answer any of your questions or queries about purchasing if we haven’t identified your issue or worry here. Please click here to contact our Customer Care Team.
*Remember you can never purchase by accident on our website by clicking anything. Feel safe to browse to your hearts content.
Prefer to shop in store?
You can see if there is an approved store near your with our find-a-store page right here.
Should you have questions or can’t find a store near you, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care Team here. You can also email them directly via email at
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